The moment that defined my yesterday: I had just pushed--literally pushed--my sister, her newborn and her screaming three-year-old out the door and loaded my own screaming child in the car with my shrieking cat, who had been vomiting blood all morning and needed to go to the vet. We were late, Clementine was tired and has renewed her hatred for the car and there is a colony of ferrel cats living and peeing beneath my back porch because the nice 83-year-old woman next door to us likes to feed the neighborhood kitties. Between the shrieks of darling C., the yowls of Kitty and the sick feeling of how much I had to do when I got home to make my house look (and now smell) less like it was inhabited by crack dealers was just overwhelming. Thank heavens for Karen, who was just leaving the florist around the corner from my vet and came to rescue darling C., who was howling loud enough to rattle the windows of my car, while I learned tht Kitty may have several serious conditions ($300 worth of tests and meds will help us find out) and certainly does have fleas. FLEAS. Could I feel less competent? How did my life get so overrun with this shit?
So there is some sunshine for your Friday. My sunshine is that C. is napping, I've been writing and my friend Crystal is on her way to town for a reading at the Opera House tonight. She won't be here long, but it will be nice to see her.
I'm going to try to find my moment of zen now.
Whoa! I realize that this has nothing to do with your overload--which sounds (with more babies and blood, of course) a lot like my own overloads right now--but I just read the interview Crystal did with and it turns out that she and my dad went to the same high school! Somehow that seems pretty cool to me.
Oh, those days that I so understand!
Holy smokes, I thought my day was stressful. Hope that moment of Zen comes quickly and never leaves.
Ouch!! Hope its all better soon.
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