Sunday, March 12, 2006

Mobile baby

I can hardly believe it, but darling C. is officially crawling. None of this army crawl or rolling stuff anymore, just honest to goodness up on her hands and knees, wandering from toy to toy. Yesterday she perfected arriving at a destination and then getting herself into a sitting position pretty effortlessly. It's amazing, although sometimes she is a little too eager to play with her toys and ends up knocking herself over. I've made several big dives across the room to save her from bumping her head, only to have her right herself or catch her balance before I can intervene. Sadly, I've also assumed a few times she would be able to save herself, only to watch her keel over and clunk her head on the wooden floor. I think she had her first bruise yesterday, but it disappeared pretty quickly.


What's next? Standing? Walking? I've really got to start the babyproofing. Her favorite new toy is Nate's stereo, conveniently located at just the right height for her.

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