Monday, March 13, 2006

Parenting mistake #643

Yesterday I ran the Corktown St. Patrick's Day race (any race that ends with bananas and beer is worth running 4 miles for) under 40 minutes--a personal record, which I know isn't the best time, but I was just glad to finish. It was an amazing day for March in Michigan, and I swear it was 70 degrees at some points. Nate brought Clementine to cheer me on, and we stayed after the race to watch the parade. It wasn't until we returned home that I realized darling C. had gotten a little too much sun on her cheeks. Yes, I gave my 6 month old daughter her first exposure to skin cancer. Way to go, mom! What's worse, I think she looks kind of cute with her rosy red cheeks, especially early in the morning when she woke up to smile at me and pull Nate's beard. Here's a picture of my apple-cheeked little love in her crib--yes her crib. For those of you wondering, no, she doesn't sleep in her crib, but it is a handy place to put her while we try to get our sorry asses ready for work in the morning.

burnt to a crisp


Mama C-ta said...

You are so funny. Our crib got a lot of use a playpen, never a nap! It was handy in that regard.

I must agree she does look cute w/the red cheeks. I keep waiting for summer but forgot about having to deal w/the whole sun block issue. It's 80 today and I probably shouldn't have sat out front w/him as long as I did exposed. Oh I allowed Julian to get wind burn on several occasions. I felt terrible but I swear it happened instantly and he had his ear flaps down wasn't sure what else to do.

I really like you but now that I know you RUN voluntarily...I might have to rethink this ;) Running and I never got along.

Allison said...

Cutest picture yet! I can't believe you and the running thing. You amaze me!

Sharpie said...

She RUNS for sport.....

My hero.

Jenny Wynter said...

People pay good money for that kind of natural glow. Plus she's got her vitamin B intake sussed. I say good job!