Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Good day, sunshine

Darling C. was the cutest, happiest, smiliest little gurgling baby this morning. She was cooing and singing up a storm and alternating between lovingly stroking my cheek and combing Nate's beard. Seriously, she was the model baby, the one we all dream about, the one that sets of even the toughest cynic's biological clock. So why am I so f-ing cranky now? Oh, yeah. That's because darling C. was doing all of this cuteness at 4 a.m.! 4 a.m.! She hates us, I swear.

I tried hard to rouse myself to enjoy all that sunshine because I knew it would be all I got before work. Sure enough, she slept right up until I had to pack her off to germy daycare, where everyone seemed cranky and sniffly and just not what I would hope for her today.


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