Sunday, January 29, 2006


This weekend has been full of ups and downs for all of us, and Sunday is usually the day we rest and repair and get ready for another busy week. I spent a long night away from Nate and darling C. on Friday as I worked the Ann Arbor Folk Festival--it's always fun to escape with my friend Laura and get lost in the world of music (I can't help but imagine the day I break out as a surprise rock star), but the show itself wasn't all that impressive. My favorite, favorite band Blanche was really the only act I loved, which would be predictable except I think a lot of people thought that. Well, a lot of people actually liked this Mr. Burns-looking Bill Kirchen, but I thought he was really lame. Oh well. It was fun to be out and even more fun to drive through the streets of Ann Arbor while pumping--I think I made some frat boys' nights just that much better. Oh, and I had Zingerman's, which is good enough to make me want to move to Ann Arbor forever.

Last night we had a sitter, which seemed to really work for darling C. I don't want to display any hubris, but perhaps the days of screaming for strangers have been banished by daycare. The night started with a great dinner but went to hell pretty shortly after. I decided to solve it all by drinking a glass of red wine too many and am paying the price today. I think that's another reason I miss being pregnant: it saved me from my own bad decisions. Knowing I have a CTRL + ALT + DEL for bad drinking decisions with an ole' fashioned pump and dump makes me not so smart. I wan't overserved, mind you, I just chose the wrong combination of elixers. Know what else I learned? Sitters are very expensive, especially when you keep them out later than you said you would, so I think we'll be curbing our days of weekend jetsetting for a while.

Now I have to cram the rest of a very long to-do list into the balance of our Sunday. My head has stopped pounding for now, so I must get to it.

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