Monday, January 23, 2006

Welcome Eleanor Katherine Ipjian

Yay! My sister her long-awaited second baby last night, and she's such a cutie! Eleanor Katherine Ipjian was born at 12:01 a.m. and weighs 7 lbs., 4 oz. She was born not too long after K.C. and Tim arrived at the hospital--I'm not sure if it's because K.C. was in denial about being in labor or if it really is faster the second time around. When she got to the hospital, she was already at 9 cm, and there was just enough time for her doctor to get there before she had to push. Sadly, she never got to play UNO as planned, and she didn't arrive in time to get her beloved epidural (she can't figure out why any of us would ever go without now that she's done it both ways).

Eleanor looks a lot like K.C. did as a baby, and even if I am biased, I think she's just beautiful. We sisters are good at having babies--fairly easy and fast labors and beautiful girls from the get-go.

Welcome Eleanor! I can't wait to meet you. We have so much to talk about and so many things I want to tell you about your mom, your grammy, your life. Stick with me, kid. Your cousin Clementine is looking forward to being just a few steps ahead of you as you grow up, and I know we're all going to have some wonderful adventures together. Stay small--I'll be there in two weeks to squeeze you!


Lisa said...

Hooray for KC and Tim and Abbey! It will be nice for Clementine to have a cousin so close in age! I'm sure that Abbey will be a great big sister. Congrats to all!

Dan said...

Congratulations KC! This may be The Punk Rock Mom's site, but I'm sure KC keeps up with it.

^starshine said...

YEAH! Another beautiful new spirit in the world!!


NicksFlickPicks said...
