Because the day is long and we were running out of distractions, I approached the car again (see initial post below) and couldn't help snapping a picture of the inevitable meltdown. I agree, Dr. S, that it is absurd that her toys come with cell phones. I think a lot of kids' toys are absurd, but I'm picking my battles. That said, I'm off to find my scissors...this cell phone's battery is about to run out forever.
I don't mean to sound naive and all, but isn't my little 5-month-old too young for temper tantrums? I'm used to the whining that comes when something is just out of her reach and she really wants it (I may even encourage it just a bit by pushing things just beyond her plump little fingers--I'm such as ass), but now she's got a new trick. Goes like this:
I put her in her little bouncey car so she can be entertained and I can have a free hand or two. She laughs, honks the horn, tunes the radio, puts on the turn signals, giggles and makes precious little faces at her mama.
But the she sees the damn cell phone.
Does she identify it as the thing always half-glued to her mom's ear, claiming too big a share of her attention? I don't know. What I do know is that she gets it in her grasp and it's a short road to hell after that. She makes it ring and do its funny noises. She laughs. She puts it in her mouth, tries other angles, coos. But then she realizes she can't get it free (its roped to the car so it doesn't end up under my couch, I imagine). She pulls, struggles, jumps up and down, bangs it on the tray and grunts loudly. Then again. Then she starts the whine, which quickly escalates into a shriek. Then she starts to jiggle car, jump up and down and scream all the same time. She looks panicked, angry and then starts to cry with real tears.
I thought I had a little while before this shit.
Ooo, I'll tell you, I'm a little horrified by the idea that a toy designed for babies has a cell phone built in. I absolutely don't mean this as a criticism of you--it's a criticism of the toy. Jesus. Maybe kids should have a few years not to be connected to technological devices. Driving and using a cell phone are two things that definitely stress me out and/or put me in a pissy state of being, so maybe that's part of what she's experiencing, too--early device overload?
Poor Amanda! How upsetting, to both you and her. Yikes. If I were there, I'd come over and entertain her for awhile for you.
I hate to hear you are battling the phone thing already. I highly suggest delaying any sort of phone toy as long as possible. With that said, I highly suggest that you do NOT give your old phone as a toy cause they soon associate your phone as their phone too.
I've waged this phone battle and so far the girls leave my phone alone and happily gab away on their pink plastic toy phone.
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