Saturday, February 18, 2006

Not-so-perfect end to a perfect day

Know what sucks about using a bottle instead of my breasts to give her the goods? The bottle leaks. I know boobs do too, but there's a shut-off valve eventually. Late at night when she's a little peckish, I can hug her toward me, slip the bottle in her mouth, rest it under my chin and nod off just a bit, but I need to stay conscious enough to feed her well and take the bottle away when she's done. Last night, however, and this has happened before, dammit, I fell soundly asleep while giving her the bottle. When she was done with her snack, she spit the bottle out and it landed (still in my hand, mind you) nipple-side down in the bed. It then slowly leaked, drop by drop, into bed with us. I woke up soaked, with my kid in a huge, sticky puddle of breastmilk. It's worse than a leaky diaper. We did the best we could with a rubber-backed sheet to make ourselves comfortable the rest of the night and woke up this morning to a smiling little love with milk caked all around her mouth and nose. Yuck.

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