Tuesday, February 07, 2006

This'll tide you over

I haven't had a single second to myself since my dinner break last night (I had to work until 9 p.m.!) to answer a non-work email, post photos or blog, and I'm not sure that's going to change any time soon. I hate this pace, but wanted to at least take a second to post some photos from the weekend. Here's Clementine realizing her Auntie Belle's lap is otherwise occupied:

Nora Kate, my new little homegirl (wearing the outfit I found for her at Pscho Baby):

Darling C. and her cool new shoes chillin' with her new favorite friend Nick:

Oh my god that face! She's representing Detroit in her onesie, though I had to explain it to my mom a thousand times before she got it. See if you can figure it out:

More soon!


M said...

OK, I'm the moron. Well, me and the hubby, cause he doesn't get it either. I hope you're planning to post the answer!

Dr. S said...

I love the onesie. (De=day, troit in French=twa.) V. good!

In southern Indiana, it's DEEtroit.

The flame legwarmers and skull booties are truly amazing.