Saturday, February 18, 2006

Boo hoo hoo

Hear that? No, it's not darling C., still awake at almost midnight. She's happy as a clam rolling on the floor and doing everything she can to stay awake. The tears are mine because I didn't get to see the Roller Derby in Detroit tonight. It was sold out! I think this is a clear indication of how uncool I've become--I never know what will sell out and what won't. I hate being all geeky and getting advance tickets for a show, only to find the show doesn't sell out. And yet when I don't buy in advance, there I am with no tickets to the show. Shit! I've been dreaming of a Detroit derby since well before I got knocked up, and now I'll have to keep dreaming. For a while I was thinking I'd be a great derby girl--I could see myself kick some serious ass on wheels--but the practices are two days a week, and I have to own up to the fact that my life isn't as flexible as it once was. I can't do ALL the cool stuff, and it might be wise to find an activity that takes less time and leaves fewer bruises.

The sold out derby was the second disappointment. The first was not being able to get a table at Slows BBQ, despite showing up at 5:30pm. Who has an hour and a half wait at 5:30? Is the whole world becoming geriatric or something? The last time we were able to get a table there was the night darling C. freaked out and kept me in the bathroom the whole time. Yeah, she puked when we got home, but it hasn't dimmed my memory of the chicken wings.

So there we were with a sitter and a hard time figuring out what the hell to do. We went to the Garden Bowl and then to Motor City Brewing Company, where we had some lager and played a rip-off version of Hungry, Hungry Hippos. It was fun, but am I a huge loser for thinking it wasn't enough fun to be away from my kid? It's like everything these days is a bargain, and things have to be especially cool or different for me to have left Clementine at home. It's not like we were dying for a night out, and it's not like we were with anyone who wouldn't have been just as comfortable at our house or at someone else's. Real punk rock, huh? We had a sitter, no kid, no agenda and a whole city at our feet, and what did we do? We came home to put our kid to bed.

1 comment:

Mama C-ta said...

Oh man bummer about the derby! I almost joined the Charm City Roller Girls Speed Regime team but it was a month after I had Julian and I just wasn't ready for that. My friend coaches the team, she used to skate but she's knocked up w/#2 and I have a bunch of friends on the team. I better not miss it when they have their first game!!! Hopefully I have an "in" on tickets. I think their first game isn't until April. Oh if so I'll find out the schedule maybe you can catch a Bmore derby while you are out here!