It should concern you that it has been a week since I last posted, especially since the last post clearly indicated that we were suffering from some profound retribution (for what I'm still unclear) in the form of lack-of-sleep torture. It should concern you because it is not that I didn't want to post, to say hi, how are you, we're peachy. I did, really. I wanted to do lots of things, but instead I got very little sleep AND had the flu (and still had to go to work one day) AND...did I mention the not sleeping? OK, I guess we just had the flu and NO SLEEP, which doesn't sound very dramatic, but I just didn't have time to do anything else except work when forced to and apologize to Nate for calling him a lazy motherfucker the night before when we were not sleeping. See, we are very preoccupied these days with sleep.
But things are looking up.
I don't dare once more put it out on the internet that a certain darling little girl slept all the way through the night last night for fear of being smote, but as we work out the teething, the elimination of overnight feeding and the rest of the kinks, I do feel like there's an end in sight. She's not going to get it right away for now and ever, but in the same way that we are asking her to at times be flexible (weekends when we keep her out just a bit past her bedtime and hope she doesn't totally melt down in a bar or restaurant where we're trying to pretend that nothing has to change about our lives just because we're parents), we have to be a little flexible with her. Aren't I little Susie Sunshine? It's either that last night's marathon 8 hours has gone to my head or I'm feeling guilt for one of the many times in the middle of the night last week I thought to myself that I could almost (ALMOST) understand where people who shake their babies go wrong. You can only spend so much time on the very edge like that before you really start to lose it.
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