Friday, September 01, 2006

Memorable firsts

It's the big birthday weekend, my mother is already here and I'm dead tired. We will no doubt spend a good deal of time reflecting on the last amazing year of Clementine's life, so I'm glad we started off the weekend with a very memorable first. While I was at the salon getting my eyebrows a much-needed grooming, Clementine shoplifted. That's right, when we got back into the car and a mile away I noticed she was chewing on something new. It turned out to be an $18 barette. Yes, $18. Of course she stole it--she didn't want to have to cash in her college education to pay for it!

Now she's a wanted criminal. Some may say it's negligence on my part, an early sign of the terror she will be or the beginning of her life of crime. I prefer to think she was making a statement about the absurdity of our world when people are paying $18 for a barette. Seriously.

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