Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Where's the milk (and will I be sued for sexual harassment if I keep talking about breastfeeding at work)?

As if breastfeeding weren't already a pain in my ass, what with Clementine being a bottle-only baby and all, now my milk supply has taken a dramatic dip in the last few days. I mean really, really dramatic. I'm just barely producing enough to feed her with NONE to spare (usually I have about 8-12 extra ounces a day). All I can say to this is...SHIT! Why would the universe do this to me?

I went to lunch today with Bernie, the fabulous young guy who works for me. Poor Bernie. When he came on board last summer right out of college (literally), I was in my final weeks as a big ole' pregger, and he had to hear endless stories about my aches and pains. To make matters worse, people would interrupt our training to ask me about my birth plan and tell me all about their labors, episiotomies and all. I swear, Bernie will never ever have unprotected sex after hearing all that detail. I think it was too much for him. But he's come a long way. Today after lunch he had to help me find the lactation promoting tea in the health food store next door to the restaurant. At what point have I crossed a line with him? I couldn't find it on the shelf, but he found it like a hawk. I worry for him truly.

But seriously. Anyone have any suggestions about this whole milk thing? I see Clementine's pediatrician on Thursday and hope I don't totally dry up before then. Sure, I want to keep breastfeeding and all, but what I'm really worried about is the post-lactating weight gain that must be headed my way. I had planned to keep pumping until Clementine was in her teens so I can keep eating ice cream with abandon.


S said...

It could be worse, I once had a female co-worker treat me to an after lunch trip to the pharmacy. Breastmilk tea? pah!! We spent 45 minutes discussing her need for both a laxative and hemmoroid cream - and debating the pros and cons of all the available remedies.

^starshine said...

I'm sure there are better breastfeeding experts out there than me but from every little piece of advice it is always the same...
try to get plenty of rest.
drink tons of water.
try a mother's milk tea that contains fennel seed, red raspeberry leaf, stinging nettle and fenugreek.
Also oatmeal helps milk production.
And of course you can always try to increase the times you pump.

Good luck! You've worked so hard to make this far!!

Sharpie said...

I wish I had something - but I'm sorry - nothing.
I only breastfed for like 6 months with my little one and I think I was waning big time at that point.

My MIL would swear I didn't eat enough soup - escarole to be exact - supposed to help milk production according to those from the old country.