Monday, April 17, 2006

Oh yeah, I'm it!

OK. I have tons of side-splitting stories from the vacation front after our glorious weekend in DC, but this whole job thing is getting in the way of that for now. I will take the time, however, to answer this lovely little Meme challenge that my pal Mama C-ta threw my way, perhaps as revenge for not being able to visit her on my wanderings through the nation's capital. Can I tell you what a loser I am? I had a hard time thinking of six bloggers to tag.

Rules and Regulations:

1. Reveal six weird facts/things/habits about yourself and then tag six people.

2. Leave a “You’re Tagged!” comment to let the people you have tagged know they have to reveal six things (or the entire blogosphere will explode and it will be their fault).

3. Leave me a comment letting me know that you have completed your mission (if you have chosen to accept it!)

So, without further griping, here are the six facts about me. They aren't that exciting, they won't give you any insight into me, but I am nothing if not diligent in my responsibilities--except when it comes to email forwards. People who send me those and expect me to pass them on should die, especially when they're about hugs. OK, here goes:

1. I am symmetrical. If you hit me on one side of my body, I often have to hit the other side to even things out. Nate will make me look like a mad woman, tapping and hitting myself in order to even out stuff he does to me. Sometimes I can ignore the sensation, but when I can't it can get ugly.

2. I HATE HATE HATE when anyone bends his or her ears. When I'm feeding Clementine and her ear bends on my arm I get physically ill and have to move her around (even if she's dead asleep). Yet another way Nate makes me crazy: bends his ears at me or rubs up against me so I make his ears bend.

3. I hate white, creamy/globular foods like mayo, cream cheese, sour cream, plain yogurt, etc. There are exceptions like ice cream and frosting, but the others make me gag.

4. I practice lectures, letters, lectures, email and conversations out loud in my car all the time, even when Clementine is in the back seat. I always pre-write or pre-talk any big communication days before I send it. When someone driving along beside me catches me, I pretend I am on the speaker phone so I don't look like such a loser.

5. I don't do math. Ever. I don't balance my checkbook and like to be happily surprised at my balance (except when it's in the negative, which hardly ever happens).

6. I have an extreme, raging (one might say) case of road rage. I have been known to honk horns from the passenger's seat, curse, swear and tailgate somewhat irrationally. I'd be lying if I said that I'd gotten much better since little C came along, but I'm trying. [Confession: I didn't write that one, but it's still true. Karen wrote it on my behalf, and I think everyone would agree.]

Soooo, here are the people I'm tagging:

1. Sharpie, who is Not Winning Mother of the Year. In turn, she can tag her lovely sister.

2. Allison, who needs a little more chaos for her life of Chaotic Bliss.

3. Dr. S, whose Cabinet of Distractions has some of the most beautiful, eloquent writing in it. If she hadn't been so busy getting her PhD we would have drafted her into the MFA program.

4. Heidi, who can take some time out of her busy running schedule to complete her task.

5. Comic Mummy, with whom I haven't been great about keeping up, but I think she's quirky enough to come up with something.

6. lola's momma, whose blog I've only looked at once since she introduced herself this weekend. Now she'll probably never comment again.

And now it's time to get back to work. DC tales after a little pre-birthday dinner this evening.


Mama C-ta said...

I have to say some of those are the oddest quirks I've ever heard. And it doesn't surprise me one bit your bday is so close to mine. It's getting freaky up in here!

Sharpie said...

Now I am agged twice - does that mean I have to do 12? or 16? I don't do math either.

Allison said...

In due time!

Dr. S said...

I completed the mission, which obviously I chose to accept.

Jenny Wynter said...

Mission completed. I will now self-destruct in 30 seconds.

Heidi said...

It seems like I can't do anything in a timely fashion. I started my list on Wednesday and finally finished today. Enjoy - I'm sure you could come up with other ones for me.