Propping her eyelids open with toothpicks after a sleepless night with my little love who is either
a. teething and miserable
b. suffering from an ear infection
c. testing us
d. trying to be the only cry-it-out co-sleeper in the world, the trendsetter
e. demon spawn
And with that we're off for our first plane ride to Washington, D.C. where Clementine will be spoiled by the Easter Bunny (a.k.a. my dad and stepmother), and Nate and I will be made fun of for being heathens. Why aren't we at the airport already? Yeah, 'cuz Clementine decided she could go ahead and sleep NOW. Now apparently works for her, not 3 a.m. Figures.
Hope the Easter Bunny is good to all you darlings. I'll have tons of photos (including the lost ones from our weekend up north) when I return.
Hope you are enjoying your trip. At least we had decent weather for you.
BTW I tagged you. Annoying I know so don't feel obligated:
Hey! Just linked from Mama C-ta. VERY COOL stuff! I'm linking to ya.
*so* looking forward to those pictures...
I am with ya on this sleep stuff! It's a stage right?
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