Thursday, April 06, 2006

How to use your kid to get free stuff

I sent this picture in to my absolute favorite baby store in Chicago, PsychoBaby, for their monthly contest to find the psycho-est child. Well, I'll be damned if we didn't win. The power of inappropriate photos should never be underestimated.


So now we get some $$ to spend at their online store, and I can't decide where to begin. This will be one of those free things that ends up costing a fortune 'cuz I need this and these and this and...well, just everything.

Check out their other cutie Psycho Babies here and sign up for their letter! You too could have a Psycho Baby.


Sharpie said...

I TOTALLY love the skull and argyle shirt!!
Too cool.

Mama C-ta said...

Oh coooooool! It pays to be psycho!