Thursday, October 26, 2006

Doting? Really?

I really have gotten a thick skin as far as this whole mothering thing goes. People all the time provide unsolicited advice and "help," admonishing me to put Clementine's hood on or let her cry herself to sleep or put her down lest she get spoiled, and I've learned to smile and blow it off, all the while cursing these fine citizens in my head. This morning at work I was showing a co-worker who is kind of like a boss a picture of my lovely child, and his comment was, "You better hurry up and have another so you can disperse some of this attention around. I've never known such a doting mother." My first reaction was to defensively point out that I see my kid for 3 or 4 awake hours 5 days a week, which can hardly provide ample time for doting. Yes, I actually jumped to my own defense instead of leaping on the offense and asking him what the hell business of his my parenting is. Why can't people who are so wholly unconnected with my life just say, "Yes, that is a nice picture. Her eyes are beautiful," and move the fuck on?


Wood said...

what an ass, and what an ass-y thing to say.

Jonathon Morgan said...

That's totally lame. Why is it when you have kids your lives SUDDENLY become everyone else's business?

I'm an adult. I'm not crazy. I can look after my child.

Kelly O said...

It's true, being a parent opens you up to a whole new level of judgement. As a parent, every choice you make is wrong and there's always someone with something to say about it.

ÜberDad said...

I have now perfected the glare that says "STFU" for such occasions. I get shit from 'better-than-thou' moms all the time. They apparently haven't read Uber.