Wednesday, July 05, 2006

562 miles later...

We've returned from an amazing week in what everyone calls the great Michigan "Up North," even if Ludington is actually more out west than up north. Sure, we got off to a rocky car-packing start, when Nate and I were ready to ring each other's necks over what to pack and where, but once we hit the road and then promptly had to repack on the fly so someone could sit on a big, uncomfortable backpack near our ever-screaming, car-hating love of a child, we were set. The week was one of those fabulous vacations: we slept in (even Clementine), stayed up late, had lots of naps and ate tons of great junk food. We hiked, biked, canoed, sat around campfires and spent loads of time on the beach. There was much ice cream, an occasional beer, some shopping and tons of merriment, and Clementine, ever the traveler, was fantastic. She loved bike rides (she even cried when we would try to take her out of the bike seat) and eating sand at the beach, and the fresh air turned her into a napper and pretty good sleeper.

If there were any downsides, they were:
  1. Nate lost his wallet, which made us frantic with worry for a little while. It turns out that the Ludington police found it, but we didn't find that out until we got home. It's not that we didn't check there--it's just that the police office was CLOSED from Saturday through the 4th of July and we felt a little bashful about dialing 911. A great big hassle, but at least Nate doesn't have to sit at the DMV today for his new license.
  2. Using the breast pump while camping is at best a pain in the ass, at worst a little unsanitary. Let us not dwell on it: let's just say it sucked.
  3. Clementine learned the concept of no. She can't say it, but she can vigorously shake her head in disagreement with just about anything. "Do you want to eat?" "Can I have a kiss?" "Shall I sell you to the gypsies?" All of these are answered with vigorous head shaking.
But other than that, it was a glorious, glorious time. We were bereft at the thought of coming home and meandered our way through the middle of the state imagining all the other trips we are going to take before the end of the summer.

We got home in time to hook up with Clementine's boyfriend Hudson and his fabulous parents Courtney and Adam for the last day of the Tastefest. We missed most of the best bands on earlier days, but there was plenty of eating to be done and lots of crowds for Clementine to greet with her smile and new constant waving--it's so cute, it almost counteracts the head shaking no. When we got home last night, she showed off her new talent of walking, yes WALKING, across rooms and over all sorts of stuff. I know not what to do--isn't she still supposed to be my baby?

Today I'm back aat work, which is somehow easier to manage now that I've signed my contract for next year and am reminded that I do make some money here. If only I could keep track of it. I also had a wonderful midday delight that feels almost as scandalous as an affair: I met a man for lunch. OK, the man was Nate, but it was exciting because we dined together alone in public with no baby and no hefty babysitter fee to pay. Nate has transferred back to the home office of his firm (away from the floundering, festering sore that is Ford these days), and now he's just minutes away. I forsee many of these liasons as the summer progresses.

I managed to only take about 140 photos last week at the beach. I'll will hopefully get to them tonight becasue unpacking seems too painful.


badhummus said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip!

Glad to have you back! Missed you!

Anonymous said...

SO jealous of your trip! Except the breast-pump part :).