Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The most adorable spaz

One of the best things about this whole growing up thing is how the tables have turned over here. It used to be that Nate and I would run circles around our little girl, flailing toys in her face and trying to make her laugh...or at least react. Tonight as I was watching her run (and I mean run at a pretty healthy clip) in circles through our house, throwing her toys this way and that, smiling and waving like a little wildwoman, it hit me that she is the one who entertains us these days. We just sit back and watch her try to climb up on the couch (her little leg trying to find something to get up on) or pull her train around for hours. Whatever did we do before she came along?

Tonight we overdid it on the fun, however. After squealing with delight a little past bedtime, she quickly turned from an adorable little firecracker to a hell-baby. She totally lost her shit and started perfecting her new tantrum scream and this funny little passive resistance move where she throws her arm and head back, arches her back and goes totally limp when you try to pick her up. I know she's testing us, and I think I fail when I start laughing because it's so damn cute. She's got some spirit, that girl!


Allison said...

This is all so true! Isn't it great? The tantrum thing is crazy. Can't you just see yourself in grocery store, fully loaded and out comes the tantrum?

Sharpie said...

Ahhhhh the instant from lovely to melt down - crazy isn't it? Like one minute after bedtime..... Crazy.