Thursday, November 03, 2005

Ashes, ashes

I fell down. Yesterday. While holding my baby. Oh. My. God.

Of course she's fine, but I don't know what has been worse for me--the bumps and bruises (I fell down many stairs, righted myself on the landing and then fell forward to the floor) or knowing that so far I have been the most dangerous thing my daughter has come into contact with. Forget disease, accidents all the other horrors my paranoid new mommy mind can come up with--Clementine must beware her clumsy, clumsy mom. Yikes.

Happily, Karen came for a visit in the afternoon and confirmed that 3 o'clock on such a traumatic day is not too early for a cocktail. Besides, it was cider, which is almost like apple juice for grown ups only it calms you so much better.

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