Excuse the silence. Clementine has pneumonia. Not unlike when I unknowingly sent her to daycare with a broken arm, this time I sent her to a day of daycare and exposed her to two days of working in the office with me as her condition worsened. I'm not self-flagellating, just realizing that it is possible to feel like you're following good instincts only to have that all shot to hell down the road. When C puked on my on Sunday and Nate decided to skip the concert and stay home I worried that she would end up being fine and we wasted a night out and a sitter on nothing. On the other hand, if we had both gone we would have been wrecks the whole time. It's a gamble either way.
She seemed to be perking up yesterday, but last night was an endless battle again the flames of fever and today sure enough a rattle on the left side. After we got her medicine she slept on top of me (and only on top of me) for four and a half hours. So much for working the rest of the day from home. She is really suffering but still manages to be cute. In her sleep she called mostly for her socks but also sometimes for Yora, Hudsie, Hudsie mama, PeeWee (as in the playhouse) and the socks again. When she woke up from her marathon nap she told me that Floyd the cat was in the bathtub and then laughed her ass off. Fever dreams must be the best.
Oh, guys! I just logged on hoping for an update! Poor little girl! Strangely- Ramona just had about 4 days of 103 fever when I broke down and took her in (daycare was closed all week for Easter and my family was watching her each day). She had strep throat and an ear infection! That night her ear drum ruptured. Jesus.
She would also only sleep on me. Usually with her face mashed onto mine. It was rough to see her in so much pain. I know now the symptoms for strep and sore throat...the 4 days of no eating or drinking...oops.
She had some crazy fever dreams, too. You'll all be fine soon. R came back from her illness with such a ... vigor, if you will. She's even more awesome now that she kicked strep's ass.
Get well soon!
Oops...my husband was logged in. Sorry! It's Emily from Oak Park!
Poor Clementine!! I hope she is feeling better soon!
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